Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Brian Sith is the new Medical Examiner or "Clairvoyant"? How does he KNOW? Was he there? Dick Chaney Style?

Police: Death likely is accident
No details yet on shooting at firing range

By Fanny S. Chirinos (Contact), David Kassabian (Contact)
Originally published 04:55 a.m., December 21, 2007
Updated 04:55 a.m., December 21, 2007
Saavedra was shot in the stomach at a shooting range. SERVICES info, 4A
Saavedra was shot in the stomach at a shooting range. SERVICES info, 4A


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CORPUS CHRISTI — Officials with Corpus Christi and the Port of Corpus Christi police departments did not release information Thursday about events leading to the fatal shooting of port police officer James Saavedra.

What they did say was that Wednesday's incident most likely was an accident.

Arch Archambo, the port's assistant police chief, said there is no hint of suspicion that the shooting was intentional. Corpus Christi Police Chief Bryan Smith said late Thursday that everything investigators have uncovered points to an accidental shooting.

Saavedra, 40, was shot in the stomach at 4:55 p.m. Wednesday while practicing at the port's shooting range in the Rincon Industrial Park with fellow port officer Eric A. Giannamore, 47. Saavedra died about an hour later at the hospital.

"These two would be the last people I would think would ever harm another person," Archambo said. "Somebody didn't follow the proper procedures, and there was a tragic consequence."

Archambo, who hadn't read the incident report but spoke with port police Chief Luther Kim, said Saavedra's injuries indicate he did not shoot himself.

Saavedra and Giannamore, both qualified range masters and experienced firearms instructors, were on duty and wearing bullet-proof vests at the time of the shooting. Although both officers were issued a .40 caliber Glock handgun, an AR-15 rifle and a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun by the department, those weapons were not used in the incident, Archambo said.

Saavedra was shot with Giannamore's personal rifle, Archambo said. He was unsure what type of rifle Giannamore was using or whether Saavedra was downrange.

"From what I've heard, they were the only two people at the range," Archambo added.

Using personal weapons at the range is not common but is allowed, provided safety procedures are followed, Archambo said. Safety procedures include having a firearms instructor or range master on site, emptying weapons before anyone goes downrange and keeping firearms pointed in a safe direction, Kim said.

The range was closed following Wednesday's shooting and will remain closed until Corpus Christi police conclude their investigation at the site, Kim said.

Kim said he will wait for the final police report on the shooting to determine whether changes to the port's safety policy are warranted, he added.

A police report was not available for release late Thursday because a supervisor had not given it final approval, a Corpus Christi police open records official said. Smith said he was not able to give additional details about the incident because of the ongoing investigation, and authorities are verifying statements made by Giannamore.

Tony Saavedra, a 21-year-old officer with the Harris County Sheriff's Department and nephew of James, said his uncle was the reason he went into law enforcement.

"He took me on a ride-along when I was little and have been interested in it ever since," he said. "He was more than an uncle to me -- he was my friend and my hero."

Ed Shannon, Corpus Christi police lieutenant and Fraternal Order of Police local lodge president, said Saavedra would go out of his way to help those in need. Saavedra, who was on the board of the local lodge, was involved in the group's holiday Shop With a Cop program and last week took a child in-need Christmas shopping.

"James really looked forward to this time of year to help out -- he really liked doing the program, and he liked kids," Shannon said.

Saavedra, a top-notch cook, agreed to cater Shannon's 200-guest wedding and recently spent several weeks going to a co-worker's house after work and on his days off to finish a deck that needed to be done by the holidays.

"That's just the type of person he was," Shannon said.

Saavedra was one of the original officers first hired after the port police department was created in 2003.The department has nine officers total.

Before joining the port police, Saavedra was a deputy constable in Corpus Christi. He is survived by his wife, Rachel, two daughters and a son.

Giannamore has been put on paid administrative leave. A family member answering his home phone said the family was not making any statements.

Contact Fanny S. Chirinos at 886-3759 or Contact David Kassabian at 886-3778 or

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Post 1 December 21, 2007 at 6:38 a.m.

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Post 2 December 21, 2007 at 6:38 a.m. (Suggest removal)

I am still in shock. I went to school with Jimmy at Shannon Jr High and graduated with him at King. We remained friends til the end. He, his wife and children were friends of our cousin's, Danny and Lucy Salinas, so, every Christmas party, Salinas' grandkids parties, and any other kind of celebration, we would see each other. He is a wonderful person. I never knew him to be rude or mean. He loved his kids and wife so much and it showed. He was so proud of all of them. It is a sad week for all of us. I will always remember him with fondness and laughter. My condolences go out to the family. I will be there for them at the Rosary and the Funeral but, with so many people, they won't remember half of who is there. I know from past expierences that it is not what someone says to you at this time, it is just that they are there. If you do not know what to say, please do not feel awkward, go up to them ( the family) and just them hug them. There is no need for a lot of words at this time. We all loved Jimmy but, most importantly, he loved everyone also. We will all grieve in our own way, I empathize with Rachel, His mom, Wesley, and mostly his kids...We all lost a wonderful friend in Jimmy, they lost their Husband, Best Friend, Son, and Daddy. My condolences again to all.
With Love and Sympathy...Laura J (DeLaPaz) Contreras

Post 3 December 21, 2007 at 7:01 a.m. (Suggest removal)

My heart goes out to the his family and friends of the Port of Corpus Christi Police Department. May God give you all the strength and courage to get through this.

Another Doorway

Before I was born, I lived in my mother's belly and I was very secure and happy there. I had everything I could possibly want. Then one day I was pushed through a doorway into a strange world of noise and confusion. I was angry at first, but soon learned to love being a child. But no sooner was I enjoying myself and perfectly happy to stay a child forever, than I was pushed through another doorway into a strange world where I had responsibilities, a wife, kids, and work. But I loved my family, and I would have been happy to stay that way forever, but I was shoved through another door and arrived at the end of that life. You ask me if I am afraid of what happens next and I tell you: 'I have learned to understand that what is before me is just another doorway, and I am ready.'

Post 4 December 21, 2007 at 8:04 a.m. (Suggest removal)

the news that these people were range masters - i guess they need to take a closer look as to what standards goes into a being called a range master.

apparently they were not following safe range practices because no one should be in front of a loaded gun. If they thought it was unloaded then some one needs to know how to proplerly clear the gun.

safety first.

Post 5 December 21, 2007 at 8:22 a.m. (Suggest removal)

You forgot to mention his other son.

Post 6 December 21, 2007 at 8:26 a.m. (Suggest removal)

accidents do happen even to professionals. until the details are published we should respect these men and their families and not make tasteless remarks or speculations.

Post 7 December 21, 2007 at 8:32 a.m. (Suggest removal)

As a former professional light/heavy weapons instructor as a US Army Airborne Ranger I would never be caught on a range with Officer Giannamore again.

And I don't care about the circumstances in this case...the officer responsible is a security/safety hazard to others.

Post 8 December 21, 2007 at 8:43 a.m. (Suggest removal)

Ok, this is not a tasteless remark and with no disrespect to either family, but this is MY opinion and that is why we post here.....because we are entitled to express it.
I agree with post #1 and maybe something else did go on that moment. These men have been trained professionally for years, they were masters, they were wearing vests. The article states it wasn't common for the officers to use their personal weapons, the shooter did. I am more than sure Saavedra knew not to stand in front of weapon and I am more than sure Giannamore knew the vests don't protect the stomach area. Yeah, everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect. There were to many mistakes made by this highly trained professional.

Post 9 December 21, 2007 at 8:46 a.m. (Suggest removal)

I agree with Post 5, accidents happen to the best of us in all walks of life. all should be praying for both these families. Post 1 you are an idiot, why is it that there has to be "something fishy" I would hate to live in your world. God bless these families...their holidays will forever be changed by this tragedy.

Post 10 December 21, 2007 at 8:50 a.m. (Suggest removal)

You are entitled to your opinion, but must you be so tacky as to air your negative, doesn't-change-a thing opinion in such a way that only hurts a person and family you know nothing about? Are you really that perfect?

Post 11 December 21, 2007 at 8:55 a.m. (Suggest removal)

Post #8
Well you do live in this wicked world and many things do go wrong, intentional and nonintentional, but that is why people the full and entire story could be known.
I feel so bad for both sides of the families especially to the wife and children who lost their father. Saavedra seemed to be a great person. It's horrible how his life ended.
Giannamore must be facing some pretty rough times also.

Post 7

Post 12 December 21, 2007 at 9:05 a.m. (Suggest removal)

Post #9
I am not perfect at all. Like I said in my post: No one is perfect.
And maybe my post won't change a thing, and maybe to you it seemed tacky, but it was my post and I don't mean any disrespect to the families.
But the article states the police department are also investigating and verifying Giannamores' statements themselves. It's called and investigation. Everyone has questions and people are trying to get answers.
My post was'nt meant to be judgmental. It was just my opinion. My apologizies.

Post 7

Post 13 December 21, 2007 at 9:41 a.m. (Suggest removal)

Safety is of course a factor as well as the opposite, which is carelessness...., someone's carelessness cost a human being his life and the lives of his family. This careless action must have repercussions. I’m not saying filing criminal charges (although it may come to that), but he should have his TECLOSE pulled.

Post 14 December 21, 2007 at 9:45 a.m. (Suggest removal)

Well said, harsh but true.

Post 15 December 21, 2007 at 9:57 a.m. (Suggest removal)

If this wasn't two officers opinions would be running rampant. Only 2 guys at the range, one dead (officer or not, he was killed at the range).

If you happen to be involved in an incident like this, make sure you're an officer so the details are never released.

Post 16 December 21, 2007 at 10:12 a.m. (Suggest removal)

"Giannamore has been put on paid administrative leave. A family member answering his home phone said the family was not making any statements."

I thought it was an accident?

Post 17 December 21, 2007 at 10:34 a.m. (Suggest removal)

While the rest of you speculate as to what may or may not have happened on that range, let me tell you about my friend Jimmy. We met in high school and kept in touch off and on since then. Last time i saw him was last Thursday at a Mexican restaurant. He was the same old Jimmy, laughing and joking and smiling from ear to ear when he spoke about his wife and his children. I can't believe this has happened. The saying "God takes only the best" is certainly true in this case but brings no comfort whatsoever. He was my friend and now he is me citizens of Corpus Christi when I say we have lost a truly great man! My sympathies to his beautiful family.
Yvonne Solis-Recio
Class of 85

Post 18 December 21, 2007 at 11:23 a.m. (Suggest removal)

There's a small band of King High School alum in San Antonio who have been in contact in the past 24 hours to remember and mourn Jimmy. We grew up in the same neighborhood and I wish I could say I knew him better. I remember his bull-dogged determination on the football field at Shannon Jr. High and his unforgettable walking style through the halls of King -- confident but not cocky, always cheerful and enthusiastic. I and am sad to say the last time we spoke was probably 15 years ago when I ran into him at the Nueces County Courthouse. Whatever the circumstances of his death, it's apparent from the outpouring of support that he did great things in his life as a son, husband, father and friend.
Dan Calderon - Class of '85

Post 19 December 21, 2007 at 11:30 a.m. (Suggest removal)

The tragedy of Officer Saavedra's death cannot be minimalized. Familiy and community will suffer his loss for years.....

"Accident"? Consider following:
1. Two TCLOSE certified Officers.
2. Both "qualified" Range Masters.
3. Privately-owned hunting rifle being sighted in.
4. Incident ocurred during normal working hours.
5. "Live" weapon on the Firing Line.
6. Deceased was both down range & in line of fire despite
Range being "HOT".
7. Rifle was handled despite above, causing discharge.

Definitely not an "accident" given the strict safety regulations governing the use of Firing Ranges - Civilian & Law Enforcement.
Both apparently ignored standard operating procedures and safety regulations.

Chief Kim needs to take a hard look at POCC-PD's Standard Operating Procedures - and, also, justification for even having a Range in that area of town.

Post 20 December 21, 2007 at 11:32 a.m. (Suggest removal)

Those of you posting comments as to the "facts" don't know the facts of what happened in this incident and you may never know them. What MATTERS is that TWO families lives are shattered. One has to deal with the death of their loved one, the other has to deal with the loss of a loved one and the fact they were responsible for that loss. This was an ACCIDENT, they happen to the best of us, keep your ugly comments to yourselves and simply pray for healing for BOTH families.

Post 21 December 21, 2007 at 12:29 p.m. (Suggest removal)

I've used both military and civilian ranges - when the range is HOT - no one - no one better be down range. when the range is COLD and people are down range checking targets - No one - absolutely no one should have their hands on their weapons. These are common rules to live by at the range - what happened?

It kind'a tells me that range rules and regulations are not strictly adheard to by those that use the ranges. If they are not being followed by the so called range masters - then we are lucky more accidents are not occuring at the range.

an outside law enforcement agency should be investigating this. that way should there be problems with the way the range is operating - problems will be ID'd and maybe corrected. no conflicts of interest.

Post 22 December 21, 2007 at 1:08 p.m. (Suggest removal)

Post 20,

These are not ugly comments and are meant not to disrespect either families, but the citizens have questions. I am a citizen and boy, do I have questions and want answers. You so believe that it was an accident. But like you stated yourself, we don't know the story and neither do you.
You're right, families lives have been shattered. And that is a horrible thing. I for one would like to know what happened on that range for some piece of mind.
But it seems, Post 20, you are more informed than the rest of us.

Post 23 December 21, 2007 at 1:13 p.m. (Suggest removal)

To those of you who weren't at the scene of the incident including you Army Ranger, why don't we all wait for the final disposition of the investigation before assuming all the mistakes that are posted in fact were made. The caller times gave minimal informaton first they reported that James was shot in the chest and now they are reporting that he was shot in the stomach. I have known James (Jimmy) since I was 8 years old and I'm a fellow Police Officer and attended the Range Master course with him that was put on by the FBI. I know James took his fire arm instruction duties very seriously. Let's all wait for the finding of the Police Dept. investigation before speculating on what happened. Remember there was only 2 people at the range when this accident happened.

Post 24 December 21, 2007 at 1:22 p.m. (Suggest removal)

Post 23

I don't think Jimmy's mistakes are being in question here. I would like to know more on Giannamore's actions/motives/mistakes. You're right, there were only two people on the range and now one is dead. You have nothing to compare the shooter's story with. And that's where the investigation comes in. Even then it will be difficult because the one who knows the rest of the story is dead.

Post 25 December 21, 2007 at 1:38 p.m. (Suggest removal)

It was an accident that could have been avoided.... that should be the issue! No one here believes it was done on purpose, c'mon now! However, a human being is dead now because of carelessness. Without any more detail, we know one Officer was down range and one Officer was behind a weapon. One Officer's reprecussion was death, the other should not be a police officer any longer.
Bless both families, but we MUST learn from this trajedy. I'm sure Officer Saavedra would want at least that for giving up his life.

Post 26 December 21, 2007 at 1:45 p.m. (Suggest removal)

The article says the officer passed away an hour later. Does anyone know if he was conscious? Does anyone posting know if part of the pending investigation may include his version of the incident. I agree that things seem very odd..... but I think there is a lot we don't know yet. HOWEVER....... evidence,witness statements, etc. get lost.......average citizens may never know. I pray the families will. May he rest in peace.

Post 27 December 21, 2007 at 5:02 p.m. (Suggest removal)

This was an accident. It should have never happened but it did. We can all say what we feel but it will never bring him back.

Ed Shannon knew him very well and he was right about James going out of his way for anybody. He had a huge heart and cared deeply for others, especially his family.

Post 28 December 21, 2007 at 5:43 p.m. (Suggest removal)

You people are sick. A fine man is dead, a wonderful lady lost the love of her life and there are three little babies without their Daddy for Christmas. Instead of eagerly awaiting Santa on Christmas Eve, they will be sitting at a funeral and all you can think of is to argue with each other over fault? No final declaration has been made about what really happened. Just because you read it in the paper or see it on the news doesn't make it true. It is all speculation and here say. Show some respect for the family by not talking about this situation like you are an expert. If you have an opinion, that's great. Just make sure it's and educated one. Rest in peace James...We miss you.

Post 29 December 21, 2007 at 9:31 p.m. (Suggest removal)


Post 30 December 21, 2007 at 9:49 p.m. (Suggest removal)

Why is Ed Shannon talking about his wedding on here? He is divorced now.

Post 31 December 21, 2007 at 10:03 p.m. (Suggest removal)

Reading comments posted about this incident leads me to believe that Corpus Christi, Texas has the largest concentration of ingnorant, judgmental, self-righteous idiots in the world. Oh well, they have to live somewhere.
My thoughts and prayers go out to both the Giannamore and the Saavedra families. I pray that God would comfort all of you and give you peace and strength during this very difficult time in your lives.

Post 32 December 21, 2007 at 10:16 p.m. (Suggest removal)


Post 33 December 21, 2007 at 10:22 p.m. (Suggest removal)

My prayers go out to both families too.
It was a tragic ACCIDENT in my opinion.
Instead of having the joy of the holiday season. Both families are having to deal with this.
I'm sure that Ofcr Giannamore feels deep sorrow and is going to have to live with this forever.
All the negative comments wait for the outcome. I'm sure you will see if was just a tragic tragic accident.

Post 34 December 22, 2007 at 12:06 p.m. (Suggest removal)

the people closest to the 2 officers probably should refrain from reading the posts.
You are hurting too bad and anything said is going to cause you more pain.
people that dont know them would like some answers.
The tight lipped PD is causing the speculation.

Post 35 December 23, 2007 at 1:03 p.m. (Suggest removal)

Isnt there an secuity cameras inside the shooting faciility? I am just asking a simple question. I don't mean to offend or anything else. Just curious is all.



What is sick is , post 28 is that you are not sick of "non nonchalant" way you are determined to get YOUR way.

"It is not like some one died or anything"? Right?

If it was Marty Jasso, would it still be "an accident"?

I remember not too long ago a cross was torched on a CCPD officers lawn, but for some reason the "sicko" has not been caught.

Is it not true that shooting range masnger or super John Graham the DMC instructor (who stole former DMC professor Alberto Benitez's "laptop" after he was in the hospital from being shot in his own home?

Where is it?

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